New Panthers
Profile of a Union School Student:
- A Person of character.
- A person who is respectful, caring, and Empathetic.
- A person who is engaged in a healthy Lifestyle.
- A leader who will strive for excellence in all aspects of life.
- A creative problem solver and critical innovative thinker.
- A person capable of using a variety of informational tools.
- A lifelong learner who adapts to and creates positive change.
- A person who has knowledge and appreciation of American and Haitian culture and history
- A person who possesses self-esteem and judicious personal power.
- A person who practices environmental preservation and is a concerned global citizen.
- A responsible citizen who contributes to and models democratic values.
- A person who respects and celebrates cultural diversity.
- A person who is capable of adapting to new technologies
- A person who is independent, self-starter, intrinsically motivated, solution oriented, and organized.
- A person who demonstrates outstanding practical and academic skills for personal and professional success.
- A person who demonstrates skillful written and oral communication and reading ability. Adapted from PTC materials.
Uniforms: are available for purchase at Mimi’s Bookstore
Cafeteria: Monthly menu, price lists provided and prepayment plan available.
Student Groups: Students participate in the Student Council, National Honor Society, Model United Nations, among others.
Extracurricular Activities: After-School Athletics, Interscholastic Competitions, Arts, Music, etc.
Special Needs, Social/Emotional Support and Guidance and Child Safety and Safeguarding